HTML Attributes - HTML Attributes List - CodaSnap


HTML Attributes List: Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Welcome to CodaSnap! In this article, we'll provide a detailed HTML attributes list, complete with examples and explanations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding HTML attributes is essential for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.

What are HTML Attributes?

HTML attributes are special words used inside the opening tag of an HTML element to control the element's behavior or to provide additional information. Attributes are always included in the opening tag and come in name/value pairs like name="value". You can learn more about HTML attributes by Common HTML Attributes list given below.

Basic Structure of HTML Attributes

The general syntax of an HTML attribute is:


<element attribute="value">Content</element>


For example:


<a href="">Learn HTML</a>


 In this example, href is an attribute of the <a> (anchor) element, and its value is the URL "".

HTML Attributes List

In this HTML Attributes list, there are some important and commonly used HTML attributes as follow:

1. href

  • Description: Specifies the URL of the linked page.
  • Used with: <a>
  • Example:


<a href="">Google</a>


2. src

  • Description: Specifies the source file for media elements.
  • Used with: <img>, <iframe>, and <script>
  • Example:


<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image>"


3. alt

  • Description: Provides alternative text for images.
  • Used with: <img>
  • Example:


<img src="logo.png" alt="Logo image">


4. id

  • Description: Specifies a unique identifier for an element.
  • Used with: This attribute can be used with any HTML element.
  • Example:


<div id="header">Header Content</div>


5. class

  • Description: Specifies one or more class names for an element.
  • Used with: This attribute can also be used with any HTML element.
  • Example:


<p class="intro">This is an introductory paragraph.</p>


6. style:

  • Description: Applies inline CSS styles to an element.
  • Used with: Any HTML element.
  • Example:


<h1 style="color: blue;">Blue Heading</h1>


7. title

  • Description: Provides additional information about an element (tooltip).
  • Used with: Any HTML element.
  • Example:


<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>


8. data-*

  • Description: Used to store custom data private to the page or application.
  • Used with: Any HTML element
  • Example:


<div data-user-id="123">User Info</div>


9. lang

  • Description: Specifies the language of the element's content.
  • Used with: Any HTML element.
  • Example:


<p lang="en">This paragraph is in English.</p>


10. Placeholder

  • Description: Provides a hint or example of the expected input in a form field.
  • Used with: <input>, <textarea>
  • Example:


<input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name">


11. name

  • Description: Specifies the name of an element.
  • Used with: <input>, <form>, <select>, <textarea>
  • Example:


<input type="text" name="username">


12. value

  • Description: Specifies the value of an input element.
  • Used with: <input>, <button>
  • Example:


<input type="text" value="Default Text">


13. disabled

  • Description: Disables an element.
  • Used with: <input>, <button>, <select>, <textarea>
  • Example:


<button disabled>Click Me</button>


14. readonly

  • Description: Makes an input field read-only.
  • Used with: <input>, <textarea>
  • Example:


<input type="text" readonly value="Read Only text">


Using Multiple HMTL Attributes

HTML elements can have multiple attributes. Each attribute is separated by a space within the opening tag.

For Example:


< a href="" title="Learn CSS" target="_blank">Learn CSS</a>

 In this example:

  • href specifies the URL.
  • title additional information (tooltip).
  • target="_blank" opens the link in a new tab.

HTML5 Custom Data Attributes (data-*)

HTML5 introduced custom data attributes, which allow you to store extra information on standard, semantic HTML elements without other hacks like non-standard attributes or extra properties on DOM. They are named with prefix data-.


<div data-user-id="123" data-role="admin">Admin User</div>

 These attributes can be accessed in JavaScript using the dataset property.

Best Practices for Using HTML Attributes

1. Use Meaningful Values:

  • Ensure the values of your attributes are meaningful and relevant to their purpose.

2. Keep IDs Unique:

  • The id attribute should be unique within the HTML document to avoid conflicts.

3. Use Classes for Styling:

  • Prefer using the class attribute for CSS styling rather than the style attribute for better maintainability.

4. Accessibility Considerations:

  • Use attributes like alt, title, and aria-* to improve accessibility for users with disabilities.

5. Avoid Inline Styles:

  • Inline styles (style attribute) should be used sparingly; external or internal CSS is preferred for easier management and separation of concerns.


In this article we have learnt about what are HTML attributes, basic syntax of HTML attributes and common HTML attributes list. HTML attributes are vital for defining the properties and behaviors of HTML elements. This comprehensive HTML attributes list should help you mastering the use of HTML attributes; by mastering these HTML attributes you can create more dynamic, interactive, and accessible web pages. Understanding this HTML attributes list will enhance your web development skills and enable you to build better web experiences.

We hope this comprehensive HTML attributes list has been helpful. Stay tuned to CodaSnap for more tutorials and tips on web development. Till then Keep Learning, Keep Coding.

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